ACATIS – A short update on Europe + 3 stock recommendations by Hendrik Leber

ACATIS is an asset manager with a value philosophy, founded in 1994. They employ a systematic and databased process to identify undervalued stocks. ACATIS offers various funds focused on value-equity, fund of funds, balanced funds, and bond funds.

ValueXVail 2013 - ACATIS – A short update on Europe + 3 stock recommendations by Hendrik Leber

ACATIS is an asset manager with a value philosophy, founded in 1994. They employ a systematic and databased process to identify undervalued stocks. ACATIS offers various funds focused on value-equity, fund of funds, balanced funds, and bond funds.

The European Union and the Monetary Union are not currently at immediate risk of falling apart. However, certain countries like France, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands face challenges due to their failure to recognize and address economic problems. Germany, while generally strong, is falling behind in areas such as high dependency on exports, energy policy, lack of reforms, and public spending. On a positive note, southern European countries are undertaking public cost-cutting measures, labor law reforms, and reduced wages, which are helping to improve their competitiveness. It’s important to note, though, that the long-term debt problem in Europe and globally remains significant.

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