CIR by Robert Mori

CIR aims to lower natural gas prices through contract renegotiations and cost-cutting measures, which could potentially lead to improved profitability.

CIR by Robert Mori - ValueXVail 2013

CIR aims to lower natural gas prices through contract renegotiations and cost-cutting measures, which could potentially lead to improved profitability. Additionally, the media business, while facing challenges in the shrinking print sector, shows promise in its digital division. However, CIR is cautious about the slow growth of the digital media business. The automotive business is expected to benefit from the cyclical upswing in the US market, and the health care business is focused on profitability after a build-out phase. It’s also worth noting the potential for a significant legal award, which could provide a substantial boost to CIR’s value. However, there are certain risks, including the prolonged recessionary environment in Italy and regulatory changes in the Italian electricity sector. Furthermore, global economic factors, overcapacity in the European car sector, and changes to reimbursement policies in Italy pose potential threats.

In terms of financials, CIR’s revenue has shown some fluctuations over the years, and its net income has been negative in recent times. However, CIR’s NAV per share shows a discount to the market price, suggesting a potential upside. It is important to note that past performance is not indicative of future results. As with any investment, it is advisable to thoroughly research and analyze the company and its prospects before making any investment decisions.

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