Filter Feeders & Destructive Mental Models

The document titled "Destructive Mental Models" by Quo Vadis Capital discusses several harmful ways of thinking that can impact investment decisions.

Filter Feeders & Destructive Mental Models - ValueXVail 2023

The document titled “Destructive Mental Models” by Quo Vadis Capital discusses several harmful ways of thinking that can impact investment decisions. These destructive mental models include relying on fixed timeframes, discounting unique circumstances, comparing situations based on analogies, mistaking noise for signal, conflating present and future uncertainty, excessive consumption of news, and overlooking obvious investment opportunities.

The document emphasizes the importance of reducing information overload, focusing on unique factors, accepting unknown unknowns, thinking long-term, and tuning out unhelpful influences to overcome these destructive mental models and make better investment decisions. Please note that the opinions expressed in the document are those of Quo Vadis Capital and should be evaluated based on individual discretion.

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