Investment Idea: Acacia Research Corp (ACTG) by Luis Ahumada

Acacia (ACTG) is a company that specializes in generating revenue through its intellectual property (IP) assets, particularly patents.

Investment Idea: Acacia Research Corp (ACTG) by Luis Ahumada - ValueXVail 2013

Acacia (ACTG) is a company that specializes in generating revenue through its intellectual property (IP) assets, particularly patents. The company has a portfolio of 4G LTE standards patents, which it licensed out to Microsoft and Samsung for 65 million upfront. Acacia’s management expects to recoup their initial investment in 2013 and secure more licensing deals over the next 10 years. The stock is currently priced at 24.50 with a market cap of approximately $1200 million and no debt.

Despite positive financials, Acacia’s stock is considered cheap due to a few reasons. First, the company’s business model is often misunderstood and undervalued because of the lumpiness of their quarterly revenues. This makes it challenging for analysts to accurately model the company’s performance on a quarterly basis. Second, Acacia does not provide guidance, which can be seen as a strategic disadvantage when negotiating with licensees. Lastly, there is fear in the market regarding patent trolls, which are entities that use malicious tactics to extract money from others. Acacia, while being an IP licensing company, falls under this broader category, which can impact investor sentiment.

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