Mori – Becle S.A. (Cuervo)

This report provides an analysis of Cuervo, a tequila brand, and the tequila market. Cuervo has shown strong volume growth and improved product mix, particularly in premium and ultra-premium products.

Mori – Becle S.A. (Cuervo) - ValueXVail 2017

This report provides an analysis of Cuervo, a tequila brand, and the tequila market. Cuervo has shown strong volume growth and improved product mix, particularly in premium and ultra-premium products. The company has a distribution network that has been expanded through acquisitions, which has contributed to its success. However, Cuervo’s valuation metrics indicate a discount compared to its peers, attributed to factors such as historic gross margin volatility and lack of diversification. The report suggests that increasing vertical integration and diversifying the portfolio, among other strategies, could help reduce this discount. It also highlights potential risks and future growth opportunities for Cuervo, such as expansion into the Chinese market and the acquisition of premium brands.

In summary, Cuervo has experienced growth in volume and market share, but its valuation lags behind its peers. The report provides suggestions on how Cuervo can reduce this discount, including strategies for margin improvements and portfolio diversification. It also warns of potential risks in the market. Additionally, the report mentions the recent Casa Amigos acquisition and provides market share information for Irish Whiskey and Rum. Investors are advised to exercise caution and consider their individual circumstances before making investment decisions.

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