Nielsen Holdings (NLSN)

The presentation by Firebird Management LLC highlights an investment opportunity in Nielsen Holdings (NLSN), a company that underwent an inflection point with the sale of its declining consumer goods measurement business.

Nielsen Holdings (NLSN) - ValueXVail 2021

The presentation by Firebird Management LLC highlights an investment opportunity in Nielsen Holdings (NLSN), a company that underwent an inflection point with the sale of its declining consumer goods measurement business. This allowed Nielsen to shift its focus to the growing media measurement business tied to the global advertising market. Despite challenges in measuring audiences shifting to video on demand, Nielsen is uniquely positioned to navigate this shift and has developed a new measurement method called OneNielsen ID. With a management team focused on revenue growth and free cash flow generation, Nielsen is trading at a relatively low valuation compared to its peers, presenting a potential investment opportunity with an estimated IRR of over 30% over a 3-4 year holding period.

The presentation also provides insights into identifying inflection points in companies by evaluating key operating statistics, market sentiment, and catalysts for change. It includes examples of inflection points in Chipotle and World Wrestling Entertainment and offers an inflection point checklist. However, it’s important to note that the information presented was prepared by Firebird Management LLC and readers should exercise their own judgment and due diligence when considering any investment decisions.

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