Quantitative Float Analysis

It seems that you have provided information about different companies' balance sheets and their float (FA ratio) and float to liabilities (FL ratio) ratios. Float refers to funds held by a company that have not yet been settled or withdrawn, such as customer deposits or travelers checks.

Quantitative Float Analysis - ValueXVail 2015

It seems that you have provided information about different companies’ balance sheets and their float (FA ratio) and float to liabilities (FL ratio) ratios. Float refers to funds held by a company that have not yet been settled or withdrawn, such as customer deposits or travelers checks. The FA ratio is the float divided by the sum of accounts receivable, inventory, and property, plant, and equipment (PPE). The FL ratio is the float divided by total liabilities.

Based on your observations, you have found that companies with higher float ratios tend to have more flexible capital allocation and can fund their day-to-day operations using float, allowing them to use capital (debt and equity) for strategic decisions like buybacks and mergers and acquisitions. Higher float ratios are generally considered better.

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