Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Jon Markman

In the world of trading and speculation, there are timeless lessons that can be learned from the experiences of those who came before us.

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Jon Markman

In the world of trading and speculation, there are timeless lessons that can be learned from the experiences of those who came before us. “Reminiscences,” a collaboration by Jon Markman, takes us back to the year 1923, a time when the world was still recovering from the aftermath of World War I, the devastating flu pandemic, and an economic depression.

The 1920s began with a sense of weariness, following ten years of economic stagnation. However, the stock market suddenly caught fire, leading to a staggering 460% advance by 1929. This period was marked by an increased focus on stocks in newspapers, and it was during this time that Edwin Lefevre specialized in uncovering manipulations in the market.

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