Airlines: Valuation Suffering from Shiny Object Syndrome

Black Bear Value Partners is an investment manager that follows a fundamental and value-oriented approach. They focus on preserving capital, investing in understandable ideas with a high margin of safety, and taking a contrarian approach.

Airlines: Valuation Suffering from Shiny Object Syndrome - ValueXVail 2019

Black Bear Value Partners is an investment manager that follows a fundamental and value-oriented approach. They focus on preserving capital, investing in understandable ideas with a high margin of safety, and taking a contrarian approach. They maintain a concentrated portfolio and are agnostic to industry and asset class.

The portfolio manager, Adam Schwartz, has 16 years of experience as a professional buy-side investment analyst. He has worked with various asset classes and investment themes, including equities, structured credit, corporate credit, capital structure arbitrage, and real estate. Adam was a senior member of the investment team and a Director at Fir Tree Partners, a $13 billion AUM investment manager from 2007-2015.

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