Engility Corp by Evan Tindell

The provided information discusses Engility Holdings Inc. (NYSE: EGL), a defense contracting company. It highlights several key points about Engility and its valuation.

ValueXVail 2013 - Engility Corp by Evan Tindell

The provided information discusses Engility Holdings Inc. (NYSE: EGL), a defense contracting company. It highlights several key points about Engility and its valuation. Engility’s market capitalization is not mentioned directly. In 2013, Engility had an estimated EBITDA of $130 million. The largest shareholders of Engility at the time were Abrams, Deccan Value, and Pzena. Engility had little analyst coverage, with Stifel and CRT Capital being the analysts tracking the company.

The provided chart shows the trend of Engility’s sales and gross margin from 2010 to 2013 (estimated). Engility is described as having a small size relative to its parent company. There are concerns about Engility’s low margins, declining sales, and fears related to the Department of Defense (DoD) budget and troop drawdowns. Defense stocks generally trade at a discount to the market, and Engility is described as trading at the greatest discount.

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